Project Euler - Problem 006

Problem 6 is really easy to solve without needing any new extension methods nor complicated LINQ.

              private static BigInteger GetAnswerToProblem6()
                  // Get the range of numbers to process for the problem.
                  IEnumerable<BigInteger> range = BigInteger.One.To(100);
                  // Determine the square of the sum of the values within the problem space.
                  BigInteger squareOfSum = BigInteger.Pow(range.Sum(), 2);
                  // Determine the sum of the squares of the values within the problem space.
                  BigInteger sumOfSquares = range.Select(bi => BigInteger.Pow(bi, 2)).Sum();
                  // Return the different.
                  return squareOfSum - sumOfSquares;


  • .NET
  • Project Euler


  • 9/19/2012 - Article published.